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5 Fun Easter Activities for Kids

Easter is a great holiday for bringing the family together. You can create cherished memories by simply spending time together. Aside from watching movies and the traditional Easter egg hunt, start a new tradition your family will love with one of our five fun activities below!


1. Easter Egg Paper Wreath

Start by cutting Easter egg shapes out of colorful construction paper that are about 3 inches tall. Have each family member decorate an egg or two and write their name across the front. Take a paper plate with the center cut out, and glue the eggs around the edge, overlapping them. Once the wreath is dry, you can hang it on your wall or the front door for everyone to admire!


2. Plant an Indoor Garden

Take a few small plastic cups or planting containers and add soil. Take your little one to the hardware store and pick out some flower and herb seeds together. Plant according to the package directions. Marigolds are a perfect option as they are common flowers that are easy to grow and can be re-planted outside when they get big enough. Or you can grow an indoor herb garden of rosemary, basil and oregano. These herbs that can be grown in the house and used in your favorite recipes when they start to mature.


3. Make a Family Fingerprint Tree

Take an 8x10-inch piece of poster board or construction paper and draw a large tree with several branches. Next, have your children dip their index finger or thumb into small caps of paint. Dab the paper placing fingerprints along the branches of the tree. Make this a daily activity, adding more fingerprints until the tree is full of colorful blooms and blossoms, as a countdown to the Easter Holiday!


4. Create Easter Cards for Family and Friends

Using card stock or any other sturdy type of paper, have each child place a fingerprint or two on the card using acrylic paint. Add a few details with a fine tip marker and include a personalized message with the date and year. Whomever your little one gifts the card to will have a cherished memento they can display for many years to come.


Easter sprinkles sugar cookies for kids

5. Easter Egg Sugar Cookies

A final favorite is decorated Easter egg cookies. Using a simple sugar cookie recipe, or a roll of refrigerated sugar cookie dough, you can use different cookie cutters to make a variety of shapes. Crosses, Easter eggs, bunnies, chicks and flowers can all be cut from the rolled out dough. Once the cookies are baked, throw a decorating party and put out different types of sprinkles and colored icings to let your little ones imaginations run wild. Share them with family and friends and offer them as treats during the Easter egg hunt. Don't let another holiday season go by without making a few treasured memories with your children and grandchildren. It only takes a couple of hours and will allow you to spend quality time with them that goes by way too quickly. Most of the crafts can be made with items you already have so there will be little expense for hours of fun and enjoyment.